Honest thoughts from a struggling saint
I have to agree with the article. I have had a problem with the X Factor for a while now and even American Idol before that. I think it was on last years American Idol that Simon made fun of a fella because of his features. It was obvious from the way the show was edited that the fell was going to be a crap singer but of course that’s why he was broadcast because those shows are not about finding the next big talent they are about making a TV show and raking in millions of pounds in the phone ins on the live shows etc. Anyway, when the young fella had finished 'singing' Simon gave him his usual cut to the bone honest opinion but then proceeded to say that the fella looked like something out of the jungle because he had unusual looking eyes. I was honestly sickened by his comments and stopped watching it for a few weeks but yes I did start watching X Factor again this season and I haven’t always been comfortable with the way the show is edited. Society is full of 'rejects' in many different 'fields' so where does our Christianity come into it all. Well, I suppose its the old cliché, What would Jesus do. If Jesus was sitting beside us on the settee would he be watching the X Factor and laughing at all the contestants that we laugh at??? Jesus seemed to be drawn to the rejects of society….prostitutes and lepers etc but instead of setting them up for the nation to laugh at them he welcomed them and spent time with them. So what is the Christian response to prime time Saturday night TV???
well..... it's hard to believe that this is what prime time television has to offer (continually season after season.)
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I have to agree with the article. I have had a problem with the X Factor for a while now and even American Idol before that. I think it was on last years American Idol that Simon made fun of a fella because of his features. It was obvious from the way the show was edited that the fell was going to be a crap singer but of course that’s why he was broadcast because those shows are not about finding the next big talent they are about making a TV show and raking in millions of pounds in the phone ins on the live shows etc. Anyway, when the young fella had finished 'singing' Simon gave him his usual cut to the bone honest opinion but then proceeded to say that the fella looked like something out of the jungle because he had unusual looking eyes. I was honestly sickened by his comments and stopped watching it for a few weeks but yes I did start watching X Factor again this season and I haven’t always been comfortable with the way the show is edited. Society is full of 'rejects' in many different 'fields' so where does our Christianity come into it all. Well, I suppose its the old cliché, What would Jesus do. If Jesus was sitting beside us on the settee would he be watching the X Factor and laughing at all the contestants that we laugh at??? Jesus seemed to be drawn to the rejects of society….prostitutes and lepers etc but instead of setting them up for the nation to laugh at them he welcomed them and spent time with them. So what is the Christian response to prime time Saturday night TV???
well..... it's hard to believe that this is what prime time television has to offer (continually season after season.)
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